
Union Hall is situated on Stretford Road, Hulme, near the Hulme Arch road bridge.

If you can see the arch, then the church is about 100 yards towards town from there. It is virtually in the middle of Manchester Metropolitan University’s Campus, and within walking distance of Manchester University buildings and Royal Northern College of Music.



On Sunday mornings we now have use of the car park for St Phillip’s School next door. The entrance to this can be found at the end of Loxford Street round the back of the building. There is also street parking available on Stretford road (between Hulme Arch and the church building), on Epping Street (opposite the church), Loxford Street (behind the building), Bonsall Street or Boundary Lane. Make sure you observe the signs as there are many areas that are permit holders only, or Sundays/evenings only. Contact the church for further advice.


From Oxford Road, head towards All Saints Park (between the Mancunian Way and Aquatics Centre) and walk down Cavendish Street. Keep going through the University residences and then Stretford Road is ahead of you. Walk down until you see us on the right hand side just before the Arch.